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About our continuing healthcare experts at Compass CHC.

As a company we have a high success rate of assisting individuals in securing continuing healthcare funding, both on a retrospective basis (securing refunds of fees that should not have been paid), and also securing funding on an on-going basis from day one.

Why pay care home fees and then try to claim them back at a later date?
We specialise in helping to ensure healthcare funding is in place from day one meaning no fees are paid from the outset. Our team of experts make sure that individuals can secure funding from the start, as well as recovering retrospective costs, and this makes us unique.

The Compass CHC team of continuing healthcare experts, comprising lawyers (non-practising) and clinicians (including nurses, tissue viability specialists and pharmacists), review and consider the evidence from a clinical perspective before drafting reasoned arguments which identify an individual’s entitlement to the funding by cross-referring the medical evidence to the National Framework for continuing healthcare criteria. Further, our advocates are all (non-practising) lawyers specialising exclusively in continuing healthcare funding matters. Compass CHC does not undertake work in any other area which means we have accumulated vast experience attending assessments and appeal hearings at local and NHS England level and we are not distracted by work of other natures

We can assist no matter where you are located geographically in England and Wales. From our Birmingham base we are well placed centrally to cover the whole of England and Wales, so no matter where you are, we can be there to help navigate you to free care.

We are industry experts and our experience means that we are able to secure a successful result for our clients in a swifter time frame and for less cost than our competitors. Why delay, contact us today.

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