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The Compass CHC team was approached by a lady whose mother was in hospital following a serious fall. The hospital was seeking to discharge her home with a care package of 4 carers a day however the lady was completely immobile with a number of severe, complex health conditions, including a diagnosis of terminal cancer.

Her daughter felt that the care package offered was completely insufficient and her mother required 24 hour care but the hospital discharge team and social services were adamant that her mother should be discharged home. We intervened and drafted a letter to the discharge team outlining why the patient’s requirement for care was a significant health need and how the individual was entitled to NHS continuing healthcare funding to meet the cost of her care. Further, we explained that a “fast track assessment” was appropriate.

Following receipt of our representations the hospital discharge team reviewed the position and fast track funding was provided. The patient was discharged to a nursing home with the full care cost being met via continuing healthcare funding.

We can assist at every stage of the process. It is not necessary to wait for a negative outcome before contacting us for assistance; we can provide support and assistance from the very outset and help influence assessments in the patient’s favour where they ought to be receiving continuing healthcare funding.

Do not delay, contact us today. We specialise in securing funding from day 1 and assisting families with the process from the outset. Don’t wait until a negative decision has been made and it is then necessary to have to appeal the outcome. This can take many months and all the while the patient will be having to pay the cost of their care.

Did you know?

If an individual is approaching the end of their life then a “fast track” Continuing healthcare funding assessment may be appropriate. This enables the individual to receive prompt NHS funding to meet the cost of care at the end of life stage.

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