Mr B was admitted to a care home after being discharged from hospital. Despite clear guidance that at such a time it is good practice to assess someone’s eligibility for Continuing Healthcare funding prior to discharge, no assessments were done. The care home was costing Mr B £1000 per week and so his family got in touch with us. We were able to secure both the hospital records and those from the care home, draft detailed representations and instigate the NHS assessment process. We were soon able to organise a Checklist assessment. Although there were some obvious attempts to down score at the Checklist, our advocate was able to ensure that Mr B’s case progressed to the next stage of the assessment process where the Decision Support Tool (DST) is completed. Again, our advocate attended the DST and although there were some attempts to underscore and downplay the health needs of the patient contrary to the independent evidence, we were able to secure full NHS Continuing Healthcare funding.

Do not delay, contact us today. We specialise in securing funding from day 1 and assisting families with the process from the outset. Don’t wait until a negative decision has been made and it is then necessary to have to appeal the outcome. This can take many months and all the while the patient will be having to pay the cost of their care.
Did you know?
If an individual is approaching the end of their life then a “fast track” Continuing healthcare funding assessment may be appropriate. This enables the individual to receive prompt NHS funding to meet the cost of care at the end of life stage.