NHS CHC funding & how Compass CHC can help
Dubbed the NHS’s ‘best kept secret’, few people are aware of NHS continuing healthcare funding or if they qualify, but it could pay for your care costs.
Dubbed the NHS’s ‘best kept secret’, few people are aware of NHS continuing healthcare funding or if they qualify, but it could pay for your care costs.
On behalf of everyone at Compass CHC, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our clients, new and old, a very Merry Christmas.
We are aware of a concerning trend involving companies claiming to be experts in the area of continuing healthcare who have little to no expertise whatsoever.
Can a CCG overturn a multi-disciplinary team recommendation for NHS continuing healthcare funding at a decision support tool assessment?
On a daily basis we speak to clients who are caring for relatives and loved ones in the advanced stages of dementia and we understand how upsetting it is for everyone involved so we welcome Emmerdale’s hard-hitting and accurate portrayal of dementia.
Why are care home costs in England and Wales rising? The Compass CHC team explores this issue and highlights what options are available to combat care home costs
When will your local authority contribute to care home costs? The Compass CHC team explain in detail how the process works and who is responsible for meeting care home costs.
We comment on the article published in the Daily Telegraph concerning continuing healthcare funding.
What is Funded Nursing Care – also known as Registered Nursing Care Contribution? As confirmed by the NHS website (http://www.nhs.uk/chq/Pages/what-is-nhs-funded-nursing-care.aspx) “NHS-funded nursing care is care provided by a registered nurse for people who live in a care home. The NHS will…
What is the National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare? The Compass CHC team explain all.
What is NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding? The Compass CHC team provide a back to basics summary.
NHS England has launched The National Advice Line for NHS Continuing Healthcare, we explore the potential conflict of interest that arises from this arrangement