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Does NHS continuing healthcare funding pay care home costs?

Is there a cap on what level of costs NHS continuing healthcare funding will pay?

Increasingly we are noting a worrying trend across England & Wales whereby individuals who have secured NHS continuing healthcare funding are then told, incorrectly, that there is a limit to the amount and level of NHS funding that will be paid.

When dealing with the means tested Local Authority funded care package, there is a limit to what the local authority will contribute towards the cost of care.  In these circumstances should the family wish to place their relative in a different home that exceeds the Local Authority funded limit they are able to do so on a ‘top-up’ basis.  For example the cost of the home is £750 per week but the limit provided by the Local Authority is £500 leaving a deficit of £250 to be made up by the family for the care home fees.

Is there a limit to how much is funded for continuing healthcare?

The National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding is clear in that Continuing Healthcare funding meets the cost of the individual’s care in its entirety.  There is no cap. At Compass CHC we have encountered instances of individuals being informed that, like the Local Authority funding position, there is a limit on what the NHS Continuing Healthcare funding will pay.  This is wholly incorrect and we have successfully overturned this on each occasion it has been encountered.

Who can help with my NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding issues?

The key to success in continuing healthcare funding applications generally, as well as in instances described here, is to have an expert in your corner.  Should you or a family member have any issues regarding paying for the cost of care do not hesitate to contact one of our experts today for a free, no obligation discussion.

As a company we have a high success rate of assisting individuals in securing continuing healthcare funding, both on a retrospective basis securing refunds of fees that should not have been paid, but also securing funding on an on-going basis from day one.

We can be contacted on 0800 008 7777 or complete our Continuing Healthcare Assessment survey.

Author: Tim Davies LLB

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