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Is Compass Continuing Healthcare a law firm?

Who are the experts at Compass CHC and how can they help with your NHS Continuing Healthcare assessment?

Compass Continuing Healthcare (Compass CHC) is not a law firm. We are a specialist private company dealing exclusively in matters relating to continuing healthcare funding provided by the NHS to meet the cost of care when an individual’s needs are established as health needs. The process for securing continuing healthcare funding is often an arduous and complex matter that many individuals without experience in the area struggle to deal with themselves. In such circumstances, the assistance of an expert with experience relating to NHS continuing healthcare can pay dividends. Compass Continuing Healthcare is owned and managed by Tim Davies Managing Director, Tim is a qualified solicitor but he acts in a non-practising solicitor role.

Compass CHC is not a law firm and therefore do not undertake what is known as “reserved” legal activities, namely matters of a nature which require them to be exclusively undertaken by solicitors. We are dealing solely with the internal NHS appeals and assessment process which is not a regulated activity. Indeed, it is specifically excluded by the NHS as being a legal process for which a solicitor is required.

With this in mind, Compass Continuing Healthcare was established with the sole aim of providing a bespoke service to afford individuals the strongest possible prospects of success in securing NHS funding and assisting with appeals processes when required.

Compass Continuing Healthcare utilises a team consisting of qualified non-practising lawyers such as Mr Davies who is a solicitor, as well as clinicians including Registered General Nurses, tissue viability specialists and pharmacists. Compass CHC seeks to ensure the strongest prospects of success at the least cost to the individual. All work undertaken is done exclusively on a fixed fee basis which provides clients cost certainty from the outset. We do not act under conditional or contingency fee (also known as “No-Win-No-Fee”) arrangements, whereby individuals are charged a proportion of the care fees which are eventually recovered; it is our view that this can often be exceptionally expensive for individuals and does not value for money for the work undertaken.

Separately, we do not work under an hourly rate scenario as is often the case with solicitors practices. We feel that such situations provide no cost certainty to the client because, if a matter is more complex than initially anticipated, costs can build up and run away with themselves.

Compass CHC believe that the fixed cost scenario affords the client the best value for money as well as cost transparency so our clients know what their total expenditure will be from the very outset of the case.

Before any instructions are accepted on a case a full, detailed, free and confidential assessment of the specific circumstances relating to the patient will be undertaken. Only at this stage – and when the expert assessor from Compass CHC is of the view that the evidence relating to the patient’s condition indicates that there is a reasonable prospect of success in securing funding – would we accept instructions to act on a patient’s behalf.

Should you, or a relative, have any concerns regarding NHS Continuing Healthcare funding, our expert advisors can assist by explaining the ins and outs of what can be a perplexing and complicated process. There is no time limit placed on this free, no obligation consultation. Should you wish to discuss matters further, do not hesitate to contact us directly on 0800 008 7777.

Author: Tim Davies LLB

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