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Is your relative entitled to NHS care home funding to meet their care costs?

NHS care home funding is provided to meet the cost of care in full via the NHS where the person’s need for care is primarily a health need. The funding is called continuing health care or CHC funding.

Contact our team of experts at Compass Continuing healthcare today to see if your relative is entitled to full NHS care home funding so there is no cost for care home fees.  Our office number is 0800 008 7777. Alternatively please complete our FREE online assessment and we will contact you.

NHS care home funding is provided to meet the cost of care in full via the NHS where the person’s need for care is primarily a health need. The funding is called continuing health care or CHC funding.

Separately there is funding provided by the NHS called funded nursing care where the individual has nursing needs and receives care in a care home that is registered as providing nursing care and employs a registered nurse.  Funded nursing care provides funding at a rate of £110.89 a week towards the person’s care costs.  It is different from continuing healthcare funding which pays the full cost of the person’s care.

In the absence of NHS care home funding (continuing healthcare funding) the individual is expected to meet the full cost of their care if their assets exceed £23,250.  The family home is included in the calculation for what assets the individual owns.

Even once the person’s assets fall below the £23,250 figure they are expected to contribute towards the cost of their care from their capital until their assets fall to £14,000.  Finally, even once the assets reach £14,000 any income the individual receives will be largely taken in full to contribute towards the ongoing care costs.

As such if the individual is entitled to NHS care home funding it is crucial that they secure it as the cost of care without funding from the NHS is extremely high and can result in an individual’s entire life savings and assets being spent in a matter of months.

The average cost of nursing home care in England and Wales is quoted as being in excess of £800 a week, or in excess of £41,000 a year.  This figure can be even higher in certain areas of the country or where the individual’s needs are particularly severe and for example a specialist EMI home is required to meet their needs.

The issue is that continuing healthcare funding is increasingly difficult to secure as the NHS are frequently applying a higher bar to satisfy for eligibility than is the case set out in the Department of Health criteria.  Individual’s needs can be downplayed and underscored and as a result they are refused funding they ought to be receiving.

For this reason it is crucial to succeed the strong chance of success of securing continuing healthcare funding to ensure NHS care home funding that work with an expert to assist you in the process.

At Compass Continuing Health Care we have a high success rate of securing our clients continuing healthcare funding in the swiftest possible time frame.  If you have a relative who is paying privately for care or who is awaiting discharge from hospital to a care home contact us today for advice on your options.  You can complete our FREE confidential online assessment or call us directly on 0800 008 7777.

Author: Tim Davies LLB

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