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How do I get NHS funding for dementia?

How do I get NHS funding for dementia?

NHS funding for dementia can be provided when an individual’s need for care is primarily due to health reasons.  When this is the case…

Happy senior woman going through her medical data with young nurse at residential care home.

What is CHC care?

CHC care is an abbreviation for NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding.  Continuing Healthcare (CHC) is provided by the NHS to pay for the cost of…

back view of senior woman hugged by husband, sick on dementia

Do dementia sufferers have to pay care home fees?

Dementia sufferers can be left with the most complex of care needs as a result of the impact the disease can have on the…

UK Stacked Money Bundles / United Kingdom Money / British Pounds Sterling £ / GBP

Recent client retrospective success of over £200,000 repaid

The Compass CHC team are delighted to report on the recent case success where we were able to assist in the retrospective recovery of…

Do I need a specialist company to assist with a Continuing Healthcare Funding application?

Do I need a specialist company to assist with a Continuing Healthcare Funding application?

The Continuing Healthcare Funding process can be a complex area to tackle, and the stakes are very high. An individual suffering from severe dementia…

Meet our expert medical consultants

Meet our expert medical consultants

Compass Continuing Healthcare have always operated as both legal and medical experts and are able to bring both to our analysis as to whether…

What is the impact of the postponement and possible cancellation of the cap on care costs?

What is the impact of the postponement and possible cancellation of the cap on care costs?

It was announced by the government in the Autumn statement that the planned cap on care costs (click here for a link to the…

Audit business woman working with notebook and tablet on desk.

Successful intervention by the Health Ombudsman following incorrect refusal by the ICB to review a retrospective period

Following the patient’s passing, we had contacted the responsible Integrated Care Board (‘ICB’) to request a retrospective review of a two-year period, with the…

Latest update

Updates to the National Framework and CHC Assessment Documentation – What has changed?

Following the passage of the Health and Care Act 2022, there will be structural changes within the NHS that are of note, along with…

Will the NHS swallow all the Health and Social care funds?

Will the NHS swallow all the Health and Social care funds?

There is significant concern that planned increases to National Insurance to raise an additional £10 billion a year, may be entirely consumed by the NHS.

What does the cap on care costs mean for me?

What does the cap on care costs mean for me?

Yesterday the government announced changes to the long term strategy for paying for care. Whilst it is exceptionally positive that a plan is in place, it is crucial to take away a number of key points.

Continuing Healthcare Funding going into 2021

Continuing Healthcare Funding going into 2021

Alongside all NHS services, Covid 19 had a severe impact on Continuing Healthcare funding in 2020.

Sorting COVID Waste for Recycling

What has the impact of Coronavirus been on Continuing Healthcare Funding?

View our detailed video which explains the impact that Coronavirus has had on Continuing Healthcare Funding.



Our April 2020 Fact Sheet.

Thousands die waiting for NHS Continuing Healthcare funding

Thousands die waiting for NHS Continuing Healthcare funding

An article released by the Daily Express, with research undergone by Barbara Keeley MP, indicates that at least 4,000 applicants have sadly deceased while awaiting CHC funding decisions since 2015.

Frequently asked questions about care homes

Frequently asked questions about care homes

From how your loved one will be kept safe to activities programmes, we answer the top questions people have when their loved one goes into a care home.

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