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Our April 2020 Fact Sheet.

Thousands die waiting for NHS Continuing Healthcare funding

Thousands die waiting for NHS Continuing Healthcare funding

An article released by the Daily Express, with research undergone by Barbara Keeley MP, indicates that at least 4,000 applicants have sadly deceased while awaiting CHC funding decisions since 2015.

Frequently asked questions about care homes

Frequently asked questions about care homes

From how your loved one will be kept safe to activities programmes, we answer the top questions people have when their loved one goes into a care home.

Common misconceptions of care homes

Common misconceptions of care homes

When people think of care homes they often have their own misconceptions and concerns about certain things, in this article we debunk the myths.

Senior Lady Reading Book with Dog

What to do with belongings and pets of someone going into care

When a loved one goes into care, what do you do with their belongings? We talk about some of the best ways to sort through their assets.

Senior man with helpful volunteer in the garden of professional care home

Is care the right option for my loved one?

Deciding whether a care home is the right choice for your loved one can be a daunting decision, we ask bloggers and experts for their advice.

Life savings are spent on care that should be free

Life savings are spent on care that should be free

Thousands of vulnerable patients in England are missing out on NHS funding for care that they are legally entitled to. Some families say they have spent nearly all their life savings on filling the gaps.


Fundraising ideas to raise money for a care home

A book fair, cake sale or marathon run, there are hundreds of ways you can raise money for a care home close to your heart.

What to bring on your weekly care home visit

What to bring on your weekly care home visit

Flowers, pets, music and sweet treats are all great gifts to take when visiting your loved one in a care home. Read our blog to find out why.

The history of continuing healthcare

The history of continuing healthcare

The term continuing healthcare can be a confusing and scary one, in this blog we uncover the history behind this style of funding.

Volunteer helps seniors living in a care home for elderly

How care homes can benefit our loved ones

The thought of putting a loved one into care can be a daunting one. In this blog we talk to care experts about why it can benefit our friends and family.

World map made of recycled cardboard paper.

The best countries for care homes

How does the care we offer our elderly communities differ across the globe? In this article we find out who is topping the charts and why.

Young hands holding old elderly senior hands. Support for the seniors

A guide to charities for older people

Looking to help the elderly community by donating? We have uncovered the best UK charities that help the elderly live the happiest lives.

Adorable cute puppy thinking - dog therapy concept

A look at pet therapy in care homes

In this article we look into how pets can have positive benefits to those living in care or isolated care environments.

Volunteer helps seniors living in a care home for elderly

How to choose the right care home

Choosing the right care home is an important decision and with our latest guide, we have put together some must-know advice and tips on how to do so.


Changes to the Decision Support Tool and checklist for NHS Continuing Healthcare 2018

Following the updated National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare in 2018, we analyse the changes to the Decision Support tool and checklist assessments.

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