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Avoid paying for care home fees. Contact Compass CHC today.

Is my relative responsible for paying for care home fees? The answer is possibly not and you should not hesitate in contacting us to see if they are eligible for continuing healthcare funding.

Contact our team of experts at Compass Continuing healthcare today to see if your relative is entitled to full NHS funding assistance for paying for care home fees.  Our office number is 0800 008 7777.  Alternatively please complete our FREE online assessment and we will contact you.

Is my relative responsible for paying for care home fees?  The answer is possibly not and you should not hesitate in contacting us to see if they are eligible for continuing healthcare funding to meet the cost of paying for care home fees for free via the NHS.

Where an individual’s need for care is primarily a health need, perhaps due to the fact they suffer from Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease or from a condition such as dementia, then the NHS are obligated to provide funding to meet their care costs.  The NHS principle of free care for all applies and the funding is not in any way means tested.

In the absence of NHS funding the responsibility of paying for care home fees reverts back to the individual if their means exceed £23,250.  If so they are responsible for paying for care home fees in full.  The average costs of a nursing home in England and Wales exceeds £800 a week, or £41,600 a year, and can be far higher.   As such an individual’s assets accrued over a lifetime can be swallowed up in a very short period of time meeting the cost of their care.  Additionally the value of the property an individual owns is also considered when calculating what their assets are for the means testing purposes so the family home is not exempt and can often have to be sold to pay for care.

Even once an individual’s assets fall below the level of £23,250 they are required to continue to contribute from their capital assets until they fall to the lower level of £14,000.  Only then is it the case that there is no further requirement to pay for care from capital, however any income the individual has such as a pension will be taken almost in full to contribute to the ongoing care costs.

Paying for care home fees is therefore incredibly expensive to the individual and it is crucial to ensure that where they ought to be entitled to NHS funding to meet the cost they secure this and they are not incorrectly denied eligibility.

At Compass Continuing Health care we have a strong success rate of assisting individual’s in securing continuing health care funding to meet the cost of their care via the NHS where their need for care is a health need.  We are experienced in gathering the independent medical evidence and constructing a case to undermine any incorrect negative decision made by the NHS to ensure funding is provided following an appeal.

If you relative is paying for care home fees and you believe their need for care is a health need contact us today for a free, no obligation initial discussion.  You can complete our FREE online assessment here and a member of our team will contact you, or you can contact us directly on 0800 008 7777.

Author: Tim Davies LLB

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