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Scandal of NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding

The Huffington Post article by Dr Irvine is a refreshingly honest assessment of the issues surrounding the minefield that is continuing healthcare funding

The article in The Huffington Post by Dr Irvine is a refreshingly honest assessment of the issues surrounding the minefield that is continuing healthcare funding and securing NHS funding to meet the cost of care where the need for care is a health need.

The areas that Dr Irvine has highlighted, specifically the system of scoring that appears weighted to support the NHS, and the scenario that those suffering from cancer are more likely to receive continuing healthcare than individual’s with Alzheimer’s disease with the same level of care needs, evidences the often unfair reality of the system that those seeking NHS funding to meet their care costs face.

Dr Irvine has additionally highlighted the “postcode lottery” of securing continuing healthcare that is frequently referred to in the media.  Research has revealed that certain NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups are far more likely to provide funding than their counterparts elsewhere in the Country. It cannot be the case that such disparities between the numbers of patients provided funding correlates to patients in particular areas having more severe needs, but rather that many individuals are being incorrectly denied an entitlement to continuing healthcare where the budgetary constraints of a particular NHS area restricts the numbers of patients awarded funding.

Given that there are so many areas in which issues may arise in the often arduous journey to successfully securing continuing healthcare to meet an individual’s care costs it is of paramount importance to have the assistance of an expert with the requisite experience to navigate you through the minefield.  At Compass CHC we are industry experts and have a high success rate of assisting patients and their families in securing continuing healthcare where the patient’s need for care is a health need.   We are able to work with the family in securing the independent evidence required to support the contention there is an entitlement to the funding, and make the necessary representations to ensure continuing healthcare is provided in the swiftest possible timeframe.

In order to determine whether your relative is entitled to continuing healthcare to meet the cost of their care contact an expert member of our team today for a free, no obligation discussion.
We can be contacted directly on 0800 008 7777 or you can complete a free assessment via our website.

Author: Tim Davies LLB

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