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What is Funded Nursing Care?

What is Funded Nursing Care – also known as Registered Nursing Care Contribution?

As confirmed by the NHS website ( “NHS-funded nursing care is care provided by a registered nurse for people who live in a care home. The NHS will pay a flat rate contribution directly to the care home towards the cost of this registered nursing care being provided“. In essence, it is intended to reflect the fact that the cost of a District Nurse is not required as the patient’s nursing needs are met by the nurse in the home rather than a District Nurse attending as they would if the patient was in their own home or a residential home. It is intended that an individual who has nursing needs will receive a monetary contribution towards the nursing home cost for providing this nursing care.

As outlined on the NHS website, in May 2022, the rate was set at £209.19 a week (standard rate) and will be backdated to 1 April 2022.

If you moved into a care home before 1 October 2007, and you were on the previous high band, NHS-funded nursing care will be paid at a higher rate. In May 2022, the rate was set at £287.78 a week and will be backdated to 1 April 2022.

It is not possible for an individual to receive Funded Nursing Care or FNC Funding unless they reside in a registered nursing home. A link to the NHS explanation of funded nursing care can be found here.

What is Continuing Healthcare Funding and how is it different from Funded Nursing Care?

NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding aims to meet the cost of your care in full. It offers care that is arranged and funded by the NHS for those who have an ongoing primary health need which requires care outside of the hospital. This care can take place in a residential, care or nursing home, or a person’s own home.

If your relative is found to be eligible, the funding will cover the costs of their care in full. This can be made in payments directly to those supplying the care or paid directly to a family in order to cover the costs of care.

It differs from Funded Nursing Care in that there is a higher level of criteria to be met before a person is deemed eligible. However, we have found that if a person is receiving FNC then it is an indication that they may be eligible for full continuing health care funding, the logic being if they have nursing needs those needs may be serious enough to be considered primary health needs.

Funded Nursing Care is considered when a person is deemed ineligible for Continuing Healthcare Funding. You cannot receive Funded Nursing Care (FNC) and Continuing Healthcare Funding as this would duplicate the funding the individual is receiving. (It is still required that they reside in a care home with proper nursing care). It is worth noting that in the instances where a person has not been recognised as having a ‘primary health need’ but has needs which overreach what the FNC can provide, then joint funding between the local authority and Integrated Care Board (ICB)may be appropriate.

Does Funded Nursing Care actually help?

In reality, the FNC contribution rarely makes a difference to the actual average costs of care. All too often, the weekly payment is completely absorbed by the care homes on miscellaneous costs, and the families barely even notice its contribution when costs can exceed £1,600 a week. In a sense, it’s almost a fob-off, as it gives families a sense of achieving funding while potentially denying them full NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding that could meet the costs of their care in full.

How can the Compass Continuing Health care team assist?

At Compass CHC we are experts in the area of Continuing Health Care Funding. We are wholly independent of the NHS and employ a team that consists of healthcare professionals and qualified lawyers, who combine their skills to determine whether an individual is entitled to continuing health care and if so, ensure they receive it as swiftly as possible.

Should you wish to discuss matters further please contact our team on 0800 008 7777 for a free, no-obligation assessment. Alternatively please feel free to complete our online assessment here and a member of our team will contact you.

Author: Tim Davies LLB

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