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What is the National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare?

What is the National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare? The Compass CHC team explain all.

The National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare funding.  It’s a phrase you’ll hear time and again in conjunction with applying for NHS Continuing Healthcare funding, but what exactly is the National Framework?

In short, it’s a guideline for how the NHS Continuing Healthcare process should work. It is a Department of Health policy document first introduced in October 2007.

What does the National Framework do?

The National Framework aims to:

  • Outline clear principles and processes for NHS Continuing Healthcare to be followed when establishing CHC eligibility.
  • Make clear the correlation between the assessment for NHS Continuing Healthcare and for NHS Funded Nursing Care.
  • Minimise the lack of transparency and consistency during the assessment process.

A link to the National framework for NHS continuing health care document can be found here.

How does the National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare help in the NHS Continuing Healthcare assessment?

It aims to achieve transparency and consistency in assessment in three ways. Firstly, the National Framework is designed to provide guidance which should be followed by all parties involved in an assessment process.

Secondly, it outlines a national assessment process consisting of three tools to aid and support any decision making:

  • the Checklist
  • the Decision Support Tool
  • the Fast –Track Tool (for those who may be approaching end of life)

Lastly, it provides common paperwork to record evidence that will be used in all decision-making processes. This paperwork should be readily available for families and is subject to access to information requests.

A revision of the National Framework and its Tools went underway in 2009, and this revision clarifies the process further for staff involved in NHS CHC assessments. It clearly outlines, for all parties involved in the decision making process for eligibility, what evidence they should record to reach a fully comprehensive decision.

Unfortunately, we experience all too often CCGs and Continuing Healthcare teams flouting the guidelines clearly laid out in the National Framework, particularly when it comes to time scales regarding assessments. This can make the process so much more trying for families, who simply do not have the time or propensity to constantly chase them for information.

This is where Compass can help. We know the National Framework back to front, and are aware when a continuing healthcare process has not been carried out correctly, or when a CCG directly contravene the guidelines laid out in it. We can step in to ensure that your application for CHC funding is carried out as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

Should you or a family member require assistance with any aspect of NHS continuing health care please contact an expert member of our team today on 0800 008 7777 or complete a confidential, no obligation free assessment here and a member of our team will be in touch.

Author: Tim Davies LLB

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