Continuing Healthcare Myths

Compass CHC are experts in the area of NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding. We have encountered numerous examples of people having been provided incorrect information regarding NHS Continuing Healthcare so we have created a guide providing the correct position.
Should you have any further questions regarding Continuing Healthcare Funding you should not hesitate to contact our team of experts for a free, no obligation discussion.
“My relative does not have dementia or parkinson’s. They will not be eligible for Continuing Healthcare Funding”
It is irrelevant whether a patient has or has not been diagnosed with a particular condition when determining whether they are entitled to Continuing Healthcare Funding. The key test is what their health needs are across 12 domains such as cognition, behaviour, mobility and skin. Whether or not they have dementia or any other condition is not a factor that has any bearing on if they are entitled to Continuing Healthcare Funding, but rather whether their needs are primarily health needs because they are complex intense or unpredictable in their nature.
“My relative can’t receive Continuing Healthcare because they are cared for at home or in a residential home”.
Continuing Healthcare Funding can be provided in any setting, including when the patient is cared for at home or in a residential home. Their location is irrelevant, and they would not have to be moved to a nursing home to receive the funding.
“My relative is not entitled to Continuing Healthcare Funding because they own a home and have savings”
Continuing Healthcare is NOT means tested. It is irrelevant what assets the patient has or if they own a home. They are assessed purely on their health needs to determine if they are entitled to Continuing Healthcare Funding not on their financial position.
“My relative isn’t entitled to Continuing Healthcare Funding because another patient in the care home who was much worse than them was refused it. They can’t be eligible”
The only way to determine if a patient has an entitlement to Continuing Healthcare Funding or not is for them to be assessed. The eligibility or not of another patient is completely irrelevant as each patient’s needs are assessed on how they impact that particular patient. If you have a relative with complex health needs who is paying for care contact us today for advice and assistance.
“Continuing Healthcare is only provided to patients with a limited life expectancy who are receiving end of life care”
Continuing Healthcare Funding is not assessed based on a patient’s life expectancy but rather whether their needs are complex, intense or unpredictable in their nature. There is short term funding known as Fast Track Continuing Healthcare Funding which is provided to a patient that has a rapidly deteriorating condition that MAY be entering a terminal phase. However this is separate to Continuing Healthcare Funding.
“The care home have told me my relative isn’t eligible for Continuing Healthcare Funding and I shouldn’t bother applying. They said no one gets it”
The only way of determining whether or not someone is eligible for Continuing Healthcare is for an assessment to be carried out. Due to the fact a higher bar of eligibility is applied than should be the case people are often incorrectly denied continuing healthcare funding – or even access to an assessment for it. Our advice would be to discuss the matter with an independent expert.
“Who can help me with my Continuing Healthcare issues?”
What the above false “facts” should demonstrate is that there is a lot of misinformation surrounding Continuing Healthcare Funding. We are experts and have provided help and assistants to clients with a high success rate for the last ten years.
If you have a relative paying for care with severe health needs you should not hesitate to contact an expert member of our enquiries team today for a free, no obligation assessment.