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NHS CHC funding & how Compass CHC can help

Dubbed the NHS’s ‘best kept secret’, few people are aware of NHS continuing healthcare funding or if they qualify, but it could pay for your care costs.

Continuing healthcare funding is free healthcare provided by the NHS and can be received in any setting outside of hospital including at home, within a hospice or in a care home. The package of care is available to people who have significant ongoing healthcare needs, however many take the view that the process for applying is too complicated for individuals or families to navigate and it is currently estimated that of the 150,000 people eligible to the funding, only 60,000 are actually receiving it.

Putting in place arrangements for ongoing care is a difficult process which affects people when they are stressed and at their most vulnerable. Using a firm of experts who specialise in this complex area can be helpful and removes the stress from the family at an upsetting time.

Compass CHC is a private company that assists people with continuing healthcare funding applications, recovering retrospective fees and, where applicable, initiating appeals. Our team at Compass CHC is a combination of qualified non-practicing solicitors and medical clinicians including nurses and pharmacists whose expertise ensures we are able to understand the nuances and complexities of each case.

Compass CHC has helped hundreds of individuals and their families understand NHS continuing healthcare funding.

Tim Davies, Managing Director and non-practising solicitor at Compass CHC feels that the funding process is unnecessarily difficult, “NHS continuing healthcare funding is based on health needs and not how much money you have in the bank however in my experience putting in place funding arrangements for ongoing care is too often a battle. If you have funding assessment coming up, or you would like to initiate one with your local NHS team, I would suggest that it is sensible to get impartial specialist advice from an experienced firm like Compass CHC. We work solely on securing NHS continuing healthcare funding and are not distracted by other case work.”

“For more information regarding continuing healthcare funding and your eligibility, one of our experts would be more than happy to discuss matters with you on a completely free, confidential and obligation basis”.

Visit or call 0800 008 7777

Author: Tim Davies LLB

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